Laboratory Gets Highest Marks
Laboratory Gets Highest Marks
On January 25, 2011, the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Laboratory was subject to a bi-annual inspection under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment "CLIA". CLIA is a Federal law that sets standards for all laboratories that do testing on human specimens. HCMH laboratory is categorized as a "High Complexity Lab", the highest category of laboratory with the highest standards. The survey was very comprehensive; some of the area's looked at where: personnel qualification, continuing education, verification of testing personnel competence, instrument maintenance, calibration of instruments, quality control, proficiency testing, quality of tests results and test turnaround time.
HCMH laboratory passed the inspection with no deficiencies and no recommendations. Laboratory Director Phil Rose stated, "I'm very lucky to have employees that are so committed to maintaining high standards . The inspection result is truly a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the laboratory staff"
Laboratory staff is: Phil Rose, Ann Almond, Sherry Kunert, Helen Collins, Jamie Shiflett, Angie Nekvinda, Hannah Grant and Brad Albertz